Bottle Cap Crafts: Halloween Bottle Cap Bat

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Many of our favorite memories from childhood are the memories we have with friends and family. These can be fun times spent playing games, or having a sleepover. Halloween is no exception! One of the best things about Halloween is that it’s a time for kids to dress up in costumes, go trick-or-treating, and make crafts together. Today we will show you an easy bottle top bat drawing you can make with your kids for Halloween!

An Easy Bottle Top Bat craft You Can Make With Your Kids For Halloween

Kids will love seeing their bottle top bat come to life with this craft. You can use any type of black marker or paint and some red paint for the blood shot eyes. If you have a white crayon, it would be even more realistic! This Halloween, go old school with this easy to make Bottle Top Bat craft! The kids will have a blast knocking the finished product around and giggling at it’s silly movements. This is a great activity for any age but may be especially beneficial as an introduction to kinetic art for preschoolers.

How to make a halloween bottle cap bat

Step 1:

Take a black craft paper. If you want to branch out I recommend using an a a paper plate, or even an old cereal box with the top cut out for the base.

Step 2:

Then use the template to cut out the frame from the black paper.

bottle cap crafts

Step 3:

Now, cut out the other rectangular piece from the template using a gey craft paper.

Then cut out the moon using the template again. Glue the moon on one corner of the rectangular craft paper.

Step 4:

Then glue the black frame over the rectangular craft paper.

Step 5:

Glue the bottle cap on the base.

Step 6:

Then, glue the googly eyes on the bottle cap.

Step 7:

Use the template one last time to cut out the wings and ears of the bat.

You can either draw the wings using a marker or use the template to cut out thw wings and ears then glue them on the bottle cap.

Step 8:

After drawing the outlines, use a marker to fill in the outlines. If you want you can tape some red strips or draw lines in a zigzag shape on one of the halves. This will be your bat’s blood shot eyes. Feel free to add a little white dot in between for realism! My boys opted out of doing this they just wanted simple bats.

Step 9:

To add a little bit more detail, draw some small bats near the moon using a thin marker.

How do you bend bottle caps for crafts?

The easiest way to bend a metal bottle cap is to use a pair of pliers to bend 12 of the bottle caps in half, kind of like a book.

How to make bottle cap bats without construction paper

Halloween is a time for scary costumes, pumpkin carving and lots of candy. But if there’s one thing that seems to be missing from the holiday, it would have to be bats! So we made some easy bat crafts with bottle tops that are perfect for your little ones this year. Have you ever seen these adorable paper mache bats?

  • Cut out a paper plate and cover it with paper mache. Let it dry for about two hours before you remove the mold from around your bat’s body. Use the cut edges as wings, if desired. When all of the newspaper is completely dry, paint or decorate your bat to make him festive!
  • You can also use a ball of clay to create your bat. Squish it between two pieces of paper and then let dry completely before removing the outline from the mold. Then paint or decorate him in any way you’d like!
  • If you don’t have access to either supplies, try this craft with just two bottle tops. Cut up a paper plate into small slivers and glue them around the top of your glass to create wings. Then, cut out two bat-like shapes from construction paper or card stock, and tape one to each side of the glass with some googly eyes taped on for decoration!

And another great idea is this cute little bat that you can make with a toilet paper tube and some stickers. Glue the bottom of the tube to a piece of black construction paper and then tape on any cute Halloween-appropriate stickers or drawings!

You could also try making this craft from an old watch, if you have one lying around your house. Cut it up and use the pieces as wings. Then, make a little bat body from paper or card stock and tape it to the watch face with some googly eyes taped on for decoration!

Finally, we love this simple idea of using two bottle caps – one upside down at the top of your glass and then another underneath (or right side up) to create wings. Then, add some googly eyes and then you’re ready for Halloween!

All of these crafts are easy enough that your kids can make them on their own — have fun this year with a little bat craft from us!

Fun Halloween Bottle Cap Crafts for Kids

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