How To Help Your Kids Set School Year Goals

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Back to school can be a busy time for both parents and kids alike. From re-establishing a routine, to making sure that your kids have their back to school essentials, there is a lot going on. With all the back to school hustle and bustle it is not uncommon for some things to be forgotten. One thing that is often overlooked is taking the time to help your kids set school year educational goals.

How To Help Your Kids Set School Year
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Why School Year Goals are Important

Setting school year goals is important when it comes to succeeding throughout the year. These goals are a great way to teach your kids to make their own decisions and monitor their own behaviour. Goal setting also teaches them to take responsibility for their own behaviors and actions, promotes determination and can help form powerful lifelong habits.

How to Help Your Kids Set School Year Goals

When it comes to setting school year goals with your kids, there are a few steps you can take to make the process easier. Just make sure to have an open mind as your children’s goals may differ from yours.

Set Realistic Goals

Guide your kids in the right direction by helping them set small, achievable goals that can be reached rather quickly. This will ensure that they understand what is involved when it comes to the entire goal setting process. Once they understand how to set and achieve their goals, your children can then start setting more. Have your little ones focus on the school year goals that are the most important to them. It is also important to ensure that all goals are achievable, measurable and specific so they are easy to understand.

Guide Them to Improve Unrealistic Goals

Your children may dream big, but when setting goals, going too big will work against them. If you are sure that a goal, they have set is just unattainable, help them to refine it. Never tell your kids that they can’t achieve what they want though, simply guide them to a more attainable portion of that goal.

Take it Step by Step

Once your child has set their school year goals, you can sit down with them to help them develop their methods to achieve them. The best way to do this is to take it step by step. Have your kids look at each goal and help them to break it down into the steps that they will need to take in order to achieve it.

Keep Time in Mind

It is important that your children attach a timeline to each specific goal. This will help them to understand which ones will take more time, and which are short term goals. Knowing how long it may take to reach their goals will give them a better idea of how much it will take to get there.

Once your kids have set realistic school year goals, improved upon the ones that weren’t so realistic and worked out the steps it will take to achieve them, they can get started on achieving them. Helping your kids set school year goals is important to their upcoming school year and can help to keep them motivated. Just remember to be objective and keep an open mind.

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